Hi, I’m Neil Fenwick 👋
I work as a Staff Engineer based in the Reigate and London areas. I studied Electrical Engineering but found that I gravitated more towards the telecommunications and software courses in Java, and a 6-month C++ course.
After graduating, I found a role working for a company that adopted .NET shortly after 1.0 was released. Lucky for me, my previous Java experience meant that I was already familiar with concepts like object-oriented programming and exceptions. I’ve worked at companies that have used .NET ever since, gaining experience with ASP.NET and MVC.
I learned Go entirely on my own and have advocated for its use with friends, colleagues, and ex-colleagues through lunchtime talks, presentations, and proposals; and now this blog.
🚀 Why This Blog?
I created this blog to share knowledge, learn from others, and grow as an engineer and be a better leader in my field. Topics that I anticipate exploring:
- .NET & Go Development
- Developer tooling & productivity
- Cloud & Local Infrastructure
- Distributed Systems & Containers
- Software Architecture
- Performance & Scalability
- Big Data & Machine Learning
- Web Programming
- DevOps culture and approaches to building software
📬 Get in Touch
This blog is built using Hugo and uses the LoveIt theme.
I chose Hugo because I was looking for a low-maintenance static site generator that was easy to use and to deploy to a basic hosting service. It also lets me write my articles in Markdown, which takes away the distraction of any unnecessary markup and lets me focus on the content.